Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: Unable to access /var/www/free.fr/3/8/unist/ in /mnt/114/sda/3/8/unist/portail/mainfile.php on line 150

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: Unable to access /var/www/free.fr/a/f/sodotelecom// in /mnt/114/sda/3/8/unist/portail/mainfile.php on line 249
Houston, we have a problem here.

The torture!
Even though $INFO['base_dir'] is set in conf_global.php, I STILL can not function.

  Please set $INFO['base_dir'] in conf_global.php correctly.

Did the Invision PowerBoard installer fail on you again?
I'm bored :( . All these nibbles and bits and bytes and I'm still hungry.

What a waste of cpu cycles which I'll never get back.